Registerwelcome To

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  • Parent or Other Adult.

When a prospect makes the decision to become your customer, you want to roll out the red carpet for them.

That’s just as true for a website visitor who subscribes to your newsletter or other marketing content. In both cases, a person has made a commitment to your company based on what you’ve shown them so far, and you have a wonderful opportunity to capitalize on that positive sentiment.

Considering that welcome emails boast four times the open rate and five times the click-through rate of a standard email, it’s important to ensure that your content is on its A-game. After all, your welcome email sets the foundation of your branding and helps to establish the connection you have with your customers or potential customers.

Clinical Labs of Hawaii Portal. Thank you for using the Clinical Labs of Hawaii (CLH) Portal. These screens will take you through steps connecting you to protected health information.

So, what exactly is a welcome email? It’s not necessarily your “first impression” with a buyer, since the recipient has already engaged with your sales team or marketing content. More accurately,

Only 57.7% of brands send a welcome email to new subscribers, yet on average, welcome emails generate up to 320% more revenue than other promotional emails. (Source)

With a customer-focused, value-packed welcome email, you can stand out in a cluttered inbox, ensuring a meaningful connection and not instant deletion. Check out these seven welcome email templates that can be used to nurture your new customers:

1. The Welcome Email That Comes From an Actual Human Being


Brands that present their promotional emails as coming from a real person on their team (such as the company’s founder or CEO) experience 27% higher unique click rates. Personalized welcome emails create the feeling of a one-on-one purchasing experience, increasing trust and loyalty.

74% of marketers state that personalized emails increase customer engagement rates, and they deliver six times higher transactional rates as well.

A personalized welcome email is a perfect opportunity to ask customers for their feedback or preferences, helping you to tailor and segment future emails.


Hey [name],

I’m [name], the founder of [company name] and I’d like to personally thank you for signing up to our service.

We established [company name] in order to [mission/values of company].

I’d love to hear what you think of [product] and if there is anything we can improve. If you have any questions, please reply to this email. I’m always happy to help!


The above template is best used soon after a customer makes their first purchase, preferably after a purchase confirmation email has been sent. By establishing a warm, personal tone, this email helps you to spark an initial interaction with your customer.

Real-life example:

This personalized welcome email from Modalyst details why the company was formed, and was “written” by CEO Jill Sherman:


The world’s fastest-growing virtual event returns…

No “celebrity influencers.” No filler. Attend the only virtual conference that’s 100% dedicated to making you better at your job.


2. The “Welcome to Your Trial” Email

The free trial welcome email is sent to potential buyers who have signed up for a free trial of your product or service. (See also: product qualified leads.) This email is normally followed by a series of emails encouraging the user to sign up for a paid plan.


Hi [name],

Welcome to [product/service name]. Your free trial starts today.

What happens next?

Keep an eye on your inbox as we’ll be sending you the best tips for [product/service].

Want to get more out of [product/service name]? Choose a plan below…

[paid plan link]

A free trial welcome email can include links to product or service training or more information about your brand. Keep these suggestions simple; users don’t want to feel too overwhelmed by your first email. You can send further product/service information in future emails, in addition to stating the benefits of signing up for a paid version of your product.

Real-life example:

Check out this free trial welcome email from Shopify.

3. The Product-Focused Welcome Email

The product introduction welcome email helps to provide value by showcasing your product or service in a format which is easy for your customer to digest.

Using a video or webinar to introduce your product allows your customer to feel like they’re gaining one-on-one support without the time or expense of actual one-on-one guidance. You can also hire a freelance videographer or animator to create an introductory video for a product-focused welcome email.


Hi [name],

Welcome to [product or brand name]. We’re thrilled to see you here!

We’re confident that [product/service] will help you [summary of key benefit or benefits of product/service].

Get to know us in our [title] video. You’ll be guided through [name of service/product] by our [name of employee and what they do] to ensure you get the very best out of our service.

You can also find more of our guides here to learn more about [product/service name].

Take care!

Real-world example:

This example from HubSpot allows customers to sign up for a free webinar, in addition to offering them alternative resources which they can use at their own pace:

4. The Free Gift Welcome Email

Special offers and discounts are highly effective in encouraging sales, especially if your user has just signed up for a free trial. You could offer a simple discount code or a free product to provide immediate value to your customers. Giving your customers an unexpected “gift” always helps to generate loyalty.


Hi [name],

Thanks for signing up to [product name]!

As a special thank you, we’re giving you 15% off when you sign up for a paid plan.

Simply use the coupon below at the checkout.

[Discount code]

While discounts are used often in B2C welcome emails, they can work for B2B, especially if you wish to provide a special offer or welcome package.

Real-world example:

Your gift doesn’t have to be a tangible item like money or a free product. OptinMonster gives subscribers a special offer in the form of exclusive content, adding value and establishing themselves as an authority figure within their market:


The best sales email is the one that gets read.

Download the Complete Guide to Writing MUCH Better Sales Emails for over 50+ pro tips on how to make your emails stand out in a crowded inbox.


5. The “Thanks for Subscribing” Welcome Email

This welcome email is for website visitors who complete a form to receive a content resource or subscribe to your newsletter. Offering content downloads is a very effective strategy for building your subscriber list, but you’ll need to nurture your new contacts early and often if you want to put them on a buying path.

Though “thanks for subscribing” emails can be kept very simple, you should still use this opportunity to introduce your other products or your business as a way of weeding out those who may be only interested in your download.


Hi [name],

Thanks for signing up for [newsletter name]!

As promised, here is the link for your free [name of free offering].

[Link/call to action]

If you’d like more helpful tips on [subject], visit our blog and our resource pages: [link] Or, visit [website page] if you were interested in learning more about [product type you offer].

Reply to this email if you have any questions. I’m here to help!


Real-world example:

This email from Really B2B goes one step further by offering a phone number to discuss the topic related to the download—a great opportunity to turn a subscriber into a customer:

6. The Reminder Email

Registerwelcome To

If you work for a software company (a sneaky powerful CRM platform, for example), you can often tell how excited a new customer is by tracking how long it takes them to start using your product after purchasing it.

If they’re setting things up in the system right away, you can assume that they feel good about their purchase and are motivated to get value out of it. But if they’re not touching it at all, there could be a problem.

The reminder email isn’t exactly a welcome email, but it’s an important follow-up to make if your initial welcome email didn’t inspire any action. This email is a good place to re-share the login URL, include information on how to use the product, and offer training resources to new users.


Hi [name],

We can’t wait for you to start using [product/business] and seeing results in your business.

Simply go here [link to login page] to get started, or visit our Help Center [link] to learn more about how to use [product].

As always, our support team can be reached at [email address] if you ever get stuck.

Have a great day!

Real-world example:

This email from Google Primer gives the recipient a gentle nudge, and includes social proof in the form of a user review, demonstrating the benefits of using the service:

7. The Onboarding Welcome Email

Philips Welcome Register

The onboarding welcome email is the first message in a series intended to steer customers in the right direction after a purchase, helping to engage and nurture them. You can ask questions to help segment your customers for future emails and give them a heads-up that you’ll be sending them future content.


Hi [name],

Thanks for joining us at [name of company].

We built [product] as [story behind it].

We’d love to know why you signed up for [product]. Your feedback helps us to make sure that we’re delivering exactly what customers want. Just hit reply and let me know.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sending you a few more emails to help you gain maximum value from [product]. We’ll share our favorite tips and provide some exciting behind-the-scenes information.


Real-world example:

Passport Dining Welcome Register Card

This welcome email from Sleeknote asks users for their preferences, aiding segmentation:

Using segmentation enabled Sleeknote to send relevant content to their users, increasing open rates by over 1,213% and converting more subscribers into customers.

Start Creating Effective Welcome Emails!

Nurturing customers via email is essential if you want to make a good impression. These welcome email templates are a great start and can open the lines of communication with your new customers. But don’t be afraid to think out of the box and find new ways to connect.

No matter which approach you decide to take, the aim of your welcome emails should be to focus on your customer, whether you’re providing more information on your product or sending free content. Think about how your initial first email will connect with customers and look for ways to provide added value whenever possible.


16 Cold Email Templates That Sales Experts Swear By

Registry welcome note

Learn the email tactics that B2B sales pros use to hook their customers.


When a prospect makes the decision to become your customer, you want to roll out the red carpet for them.


That’s just as true for a website visitor who subscribes to your newsletter or other marketing content. In both cases, a person has made a commitment to your company based on what you’ve shown them so far, and you have a wonderful opportunity to capitalize on that positive sentiment.

Considering that welcome emails boast four times the open rate and five times the click-through rate of a standard email, it’s important to ensure that your content is on its A-game. After all, your welcome email sets the foundation of your branding and helps to establish the connection you have with your customers or potential customers.

So, what exactly is a welcome email? It’s not necessarily your “first impression” with a buyer, since the recipient has already engaged with your sales team or marketing content. More accurately,

Only 57.7% of brands send a welcome email to new subscribers, yet on average, welcome emails generate up to 320% more revenue than other promotional emails. (Source)

With a customer-focused, value-packed welcome email, you can stand out in a cluttered inbox, ensuring a meaningful connection and not instant deletion. Check out these seven welcome email templates that can be used to nurture your new customers:

1. The Welcome Email That Comes From an Actual Human Being

Brands that present their promotional emails as coming from a real person on their team (such as the company’s founder or CEO) experience 27% higher unique click rates. Personalized welcome emails create the feeling of a one-on-one purchasing experience, increasing trust and loyalty.

74% of marketers state that personalized emails increase customer engagement rates, and they deliver six times higher transactional rates as well.

A personalized welcome email is a perfect opportunity to ask customers for their feedback or preferences, helping you to tailor and segment future emails.


Hey [name],

I’m [name], the founder of [company name] and I’d like to personally thank you for signing up to our service.

We established [company name] in order to [mission/values of company].

I’d love to hear what you think of [product] and if there is anything we can improve. If you have any questions, please reply to this email. I’m always happy to help!


The above template is best used soon after a customer makes their first purchase, preferably after a purchase confirmation email has been sent. By establishing a warm, personal tone, this email helps you to spark an initial interaction with your customer.

Real-life example:

This personalized welcome email from Modalyst details why the company was formed, and was “written” by CEO Jill Sherman:


The world’s fastest-growing virtual event returns…

No “celebrity influencers.” No filler. Attend the only virtual conference that’s 100% dedicated to making you better at your job.


2. The “Welcome to Your Trial” Email

The free trial welcome email is sent to potential buyers who have signed up for a free trial of your product or service. (See also: product qualified leads.) This email is normally followed by a series of emails encouraging the user to sign up for a paid plan.


Hi [name],

Welcome to [product/service name]. Your free trial starts today.

What happens next?

Keep an eye on your inbox as we’ll be sending you the best tips for [product/service].

Want to get more out of [product/service name]? Choose a plan below…

[paid plan link]

A free trial welcome email can include links to product or service training or more information about your brand. Keep these suggestions simple; users don’t want to feel too overwhelmed by your first email. You can send further product/service information in future emails, in addition to stating the benefits of signing up for a paid version of your product.

Real-life example:

Check out this free trial welcome email from Shopify.

3. The Product-Focused Welcome Email

The product introduction welcome email helps to provide value by showcasing your product or service in a format which is easy for your customer to digest.

Using a video or webinar to introduce your product allows your customer to feel like they’re gaining one-on-one support without the time or expense of actual one-on-one guidance. You can also hire a freelance videographer or animator to create an introductory video for a product-focused welcome email.


Hi [name],

Welcome to [product or brand name]. We’re thrilled to see you here!

We’re confident that [product/service] will help you [summary of key benefit or benefits of product/service].

Get to know us in our [title] video. You’ll be guided through [name of service/product] by our [name of employee and what they do] to ensure you get the very best out of our service.

Registry Welcome Note

You can also find more of our guides here to learn more about [product/service name].

Take care!

Real-world example:

This example from HubSpot allows customers to sign up for a free webinar, in addition to offering them alternative resources which they can use at their own pace:

4. The Free Gift Welcome Email

Special offers and discounts are highly effective in encouraging sales, especially if your user has just signed up for a free trial. You could offer a simple discount code or a free product to provide immediate value to your customers. Giving your customers an unexpected “gift” always helps to generate loyalty.


Hi [name],

Thanks for signing up to [product name]!

As a special thank you, we’re giving you 15% off when you sign up for a paid plan.

Simply use the coupon below at the checkout.

[Discount code]

While discounts are used often in B2C welcome emails, they can work for B2B, especially if you wish to provide a special offer or welcome package.

Real-world example:

Your gift doesn’t have to be a tangible item like money or a free product. OptinMonster gives subscribers a special offer in the form of exclusive content, adding value and establishing themselves as an authority figure within their market:


The best sales email is the one that gets read.

Download the Complete Guide to Writing MUCH Better Sales Emails for over 50+ pro tips on how to make your emails stand out in a crowded inbox.


5. The “Thanks for Subscribing” Welcome Email

This welcome email is for website visitors who complete a form to receive a content resource or subscribe to your newsletter. Offering content downloads is a very effective strategy for building your subscriber list, but you’ll need to nurture your new contacts early and often if you want to put them on a buying path.

Though “thanks for subscribing” emails can be kept very simple, you should still use this opportunity to introduce your other products or your business as a way of weeding out those who may be only interested in your download.


Hi [name],

Thanks for signing up for [newsletter name]!

As promised, here is the link for your free [name of free offering].

[Link/call to action]

If you’d like more helpful tips on [subject], visit our blog and our resource pages: [link] Or, visit [website page] if you were interested in learning more about [product type you offer].

Reply to this email if you have any questions. I’m here to help!


Real-world example:

This email from Really B2B goes one step further by offering a phone number to discuss the topic related to the download—a great opportunity to turn a subscriber into a customer:

6. The Reminder Email

If you work for a software company (a sneaky powerful CRM platform, for example), you can often tell how excited a new customer is by tracking how long it takes them to start using your product after purchasing it.

If they’re setting things up in the system right away, you can assume that they feel good about their purchase and are motivated to get value out of it. But if they’re not touching it at all, there could be a problem.

The reminder email isn’t exactly a welcome email, but it’s an important follow-up to make if your initial welcome email didn’t inspire any action. This email is a good place to re-share the login URL, include information on how to use the product, and offer training resources to new users.


Hi [name],

We can’t wait for you to start using [product/business] and seeing results in your business.

Simply go here [link to login page] to get started, or visit our Help Center [link] to learn more about how to use [product].

As always, our support team can be reached at [email address] if you ever get stuck.

Have a great day!

Real-world example:

This email from Google Primer gives the recipient a gentle nudge, and includes social proof in the form of a user review, demonstrating the benefits of using the service:

7. The Onboarding Welcome Email

The onboarding welcome email is the first message in a series intended to steer customers in the right direction after a purchase, helping to engage and nurture them. You can ask questions to help segment your customers for future emails and give them a heads-up that you’ll be sending them future content.


Hi [name],

Thanks for joining us at [name of company].

We built [product] as [story behind it].

We’d love to know why you signed up for [product]. Your feedback helps us to make sure that we’re delivering exactly what customers want. Just hit reply and let me know.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sending you a few more emails to help you gain maximum value from [product]. We’ll share our favorite tips and provide some exciting behind-the-scenes information.


Real-world example:

This welcome email from Sleeknote asks users for their preferences, aiding segmentation:

Using segmentation enabled Sleeknote to send relevant content to their users, increasing open rates by over 1,213% and converting more subscribers into customers.

Start Creating Effective Welcome Emails!

Nurturing customers via email is essential if you want to make a good impression. These welcome email templates are a great start and can open the lines of communication with your new customers. But don’t be afraid to think out of the box and find new ways to connect.

No matter which approach you decide to take, the aim of your welcome emails should be to focus on your customer, whether you’re providing more information on your product or sending free content. Think about how your initial first email will connect with customers and look for ways to provide added value whenever possible.


16 Cold Email Templates That Sales Experts Swear By

Learn the email tactics that B2B sales pros use to hook their customers.