Qt Meta Object Compiler Install Flash

Precompiled x64 Qt 5 library in minimalistic configuration for Windows. lassoan/qt5-minimalistic-builds. You can't use Qt's signals/slots mechanism without inheriting from QObject and without using the QOBJECT macro and running your code through the 'moc' meta-object-compiler. – Jesper Juhl May 23 '16 at 17:27. I am importing an existing project downloaded from github. But I could not understand how to set build and run options for that as I have installed several versions of Qt hence Qt creator shows all the available tools in 'Auto-detected' but how to make a particulate compiler and qmake active? I want to use MSVC 2017 compiler and its qmake. Go to Tools-Options-Build & Run and on the Compilers tab click Add to add a new compiler. You can also manage kits on the Kits tab. Don't forget to setup qmake on the Qt Versions tab. Also if you want the MSVC version of Qt you need to install Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or 2013 depending on the version of Qt you use.

Qt Meta Object Compiler Install Flash Player

First, apologies, I realized I posted this to the wrong section...

HI all, new guy here to QT. Been developing for many years in the Microsoft world. Wanting to get back into C++ and wanted something other than MFC to develop in. Had hear of QT in the past so I decided to start looking into it.

I downloaded the latest build QT 5.2.0 For Windows 64 Bit (vs2012, opengl).
After the download I ran the installer.
It seemed to unpack everything fine.
I ran QT creator,
I see a bunch of example apps
Tried to run one of them, but while compiling I'm getting the error QT creator needs a compiler setup to build. Configure a compiler in the kits options.

Qt Meta Object Compiler Install Flash Card

Went to tools -> options. Looked at the Kits tab
Under Auto Detect, I see a red stop sign Desktop QT 5.2.0 MSVC2012 OpenGL 64Bit. I'm assuming this means there is an error with something to do with Open GL and MSVC2012.

Clicked on Manual hoping to create my own entry.
I seen where I can define my own compiler under the compilers tab.
Problem is, there is no way to manually select Visual Studio 2013...

So, this makes me wonder... is it possible to use QT 5.2.0 with the Visual Studio 2013 compiler?
If not, what options do I have? I've never heard of any of the other compilers that you can pick on the compilers page. I have not downloaded any of them.

Qt compiler optionsInstallOnline qt compiler

Qt Meta Object Compiler

Also, I've read a little bit about a plugin for Visual Studio. There seems to be a few threads about it. But even after reading them I'm still a little confused rather or not the plugin works with VS2013 and if so, how to get it setup. What exactly does the plugin provide? Is it a complete substitute for QT Creator which would give you a visual designer within Visual Studio?

Qt Meta Object Compiler Install Flashback

Qt meta object compiler install flashback

Qt Compiler Options

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!
Thanks Rick