
Terms & Conditions

Ricoh Imaging has the option, at its sole discretion to decide whether to crop, edit or otherwise alter the images accepted into the Gallery as well as remove any images from its website.

International Beacon Project Photos. NCDXF/IARU International Beacon Project Photos. @ Foto Gallery 2019.

Photographs containing nudity, obscenity, profanity, pornography, violence, and anything that is lewd or offensive in nature, or otherwise inappropriate images will be excluded from the website. Ricoh Imaging reserves the right at its sole discretion to decline and disqualify any images that are considered inappropriate. However if this condition is ignored, in extreme cases, Ricoh Imaging will notify authorities to settle this matter legally. The submitted images must be the photographer's original work. The photographer also certifies that the images submitted have never been copyrighted or, if copyrighted that the photographer is the copyright owner.

It is the sole responsibility of the submitting photographer to obtain a written release from any recognizable person in a submitted photo. The submission of public domain images is prohibited. Copyright of the Images will remain the property of the photographer. A credit will be provided under all images. Ricoh Imaging does not take any responsibility for pictures displayed in the Gallery that viewers may find offensive. If an artist takes another person's picture and submits it under his/her own name, he/she will be disqualified and may be required to pay for compensations.

Ricoh Imaging reserves the right to use all approved pictures as it wishes for display in all areas of this website and subsequent Photo Gallery applications (i.e. screensaver). All artists share his/her personal information through the Artist Biography page at his/her own risk. All applicants must make sure to provide correct and valid personal information. If any applicants appear to provide false information, he/she will be removed from the Gallery. Upon the violation of our Terms & Conditions, depending on the severity of the matter, Ricoh Imaging will issue a warning or immediate dismissal from the Gallery. Second warning will result in a permanent dismissal from the Gallery, and possible legal action.

Picture titles and descriptions may not contain any profane or inappropriate language. Any personal information that is submitted by the artists will be for internal use only and will not be shared with the public or any other parties.

Ricoh Imaging reserves the right to make any and all changes to the and to change, modify, add or remove terms of these Terms & Conditions at its sole discretion without notice to the user. Changes to the Terms & Conditions shall be effective immediately, and subsequent use by you of the Ricoh Imaging Gallery shall constitute your acceptance of these changes. Ricoh Imaging reserves the right to deny access to to anyone at any time.

Photo gallery

About Ffotogallery

Since its formation in 1978, Ffotogallery has been at the forefront of new developments in photography and lens-based media in Wales and beyond, encouraging public understanding of and deeper engagement with photography and its value to society.

This is realised through:

  • Exhibitions, print and online publishing activities and projects that reflect the evolution of the photographic medium and its role in the world
  • Commissioning and exhibiting the work of new and established artists and cross-disciplinary practice that responds to the evolving nature of the medium
  • Organising the biennial Diffusion: Cardiff International Festival of Photography
  • Developing learning resources, organising talks and events, courses and workshops to support practice, knowledge exchange and appreciation
  • Providing a creative studio and digital workspace for creative practitioners, collaborating groups and visiting international artists
  • Preserving existing and producing new archival materials and establishing a new library to make them publicly accessible
  • Internships, volunteering and skills development opportunities across the range of the organisation’s work

You can read Ffotogallery: Our Story 1978 – 2018 here.
In implementing the above programme, Ffotogallery has chosen Many Voices, One Nation as a thematic framework for our work over the next 5 years, with the guiding principles of promoting cultural diversity, access and inclusion (see our Strategic Equalities Plan), lifelong learning, innovation and excellence. Ffotogallery’s Welsh Language Plan is an expression of our commitment to the use of the Welsh Language in our dealings with audiences and users of our services in Wales.


We align our activities with the Well-being of Future Generations in Wales Act 2015 and Cymraeg 2050 strategic aims.
Ffotogallery is a not for profit company limited by guarantee and a registered charity, in receipt of annual funding from the Arts Council of Wales.


Registered Company number: 01705938

Registered Charity number: 513726