
Together we remove, repurpose, and creatively arrange things in your home to promote a more inviting, relaxing atmosphere.


Creating an environment in which you can thrive

Welcome Home Blog The #1 site for videos of surprise military homecomings. Visit daily for a new video of members of our armed forces returning home to their families & friends!



Remove unwanted items and clutter to form warm & functional spaces. We will create personalized systems to help you manage incoming “stuff”.

Home Staging

With your own belongings, we strategically arrange your home to get it showroom-ready, making it feel inviting to potential buyers so they can imagine themselves living there.

Feng Shui


Welcome Home Sign

Welcome Home is a community-based nonprofit organization that provides educational, employment and material support for refugees, asylees and asylum-seekers in the Jersey City area. From the time they step off of the plane, our all-volunteer community helps our new neighbors adjust to their new home. Premium Beef Steaks: Choice and Prime Steaks. Let us know 662-769-1412 Located: 329 University Dr. Starkville, MS 37521. 2021 Happy New Year! We are welcoming puppies in January that will be joining their families in March. Contact us at info@welcomehomelabs.com for more information. Let us know if you would like information about getting on the reservation list. Welcome Home America 12316 World Trade Drive STE 102 San Diego, CA 92128.

Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of arrangement to boost the flow of energy in a space. Applying its principles stimulate positive changes in all areas of your life.

Meet the Visionary

Rooted in compassion and professionalism

Intuitively, and with a background in Feng Shui, Leslie can address the energetic & physical challenges of a space to promote harmony & balance.


01. Consult



Start with a complimentary 30 minute phone call. Follow up with a 60 minute in-home appointment.

02. Plan

Together we will create a customized plan to acheive your goals. We will schedule our sessions at this time.

Welcome Home America

03. implement

Depending on your goals, multiple services & sessions may be needed. Sessions typically last 2-4 hours each.


How may we help?